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Culinary Tips Thanksgiving Recipes

The Art of Carving a Turkey

The Art of Carving was a book written in 1791 by Reverend John Trusler, taking us back to an era where manners and etiquette rated highly in society, even while slicing a Thanksgiving turkey! A few amusing excerpts from this historic book are here:

“…manners and etiquette are vital, and the ability to carve with “ease and grace” gains great respect among fellow diners”

“On no account must the carver stand up while doing the deed, but must always have a chair high enough to do the job commandingly.”

“Any attempt to hack at the turkey will end in guests being “bespattered” and so should be avoided.”

“Choice cuts should always be handed out evenly around the table, unless people of a “superior rank” are present. ”

Many times going back to basics is best! Houstonian chef Jeffrey Everts shows us just how quick and easy it can be, in this video demonstration of how to carve a holiday turkey with a carving knife.

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Another “How to carve a turkey” video may be found here, and we found a helpful printable guide at the Eating Well site here.