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Julie and Julia

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An Ode to Julia Child, Quotes Included!

Over the years, the wild and wonderful Julia Child has inspired so many home cooks to step out of their element and make cooking joyful.   All of us who have been touched by her have our own reasons for adoring her, but here are mine!

  • Her venture into the culinary world didn’t start until age 40, I love that.
  • She was rough, sloppy, and spirited in the kitchen at times, but she always made things work!
  • She was a freaking spy!   Before her culinary career Julia worked for the OSS, which later became the CIA.  According to NPR,  “she was assigned to solve a problem for U.S. naval forces during World War II: Sharks would bump into explosives that were placed underwater, setting them off and warning the German U-boats they were intended to sink. Julia Child and a few of her male compatriots got together and literally cooked up a shark repellent that was used to coat the explosives”.
  • She hosted the world’s first ever cooking show in 1962 for WGBH, Boston’s public television station.
  • She bashed nonsensical diets and health crazes, had a love for full fat butter, wine, and gin and tonics, and lived to be almost 92.   Watch the video as she declares her love for McDonald’s french fries, before they made them healthier!

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And her words are my favorite, here are an endearing list of Julia Child quotes: (Be sure to also check our previous post for more fabulous food quotes!)

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook”

“In spite of food fads, fitness programs, and health concerns, we must never lose sight of a beautifully conceived meal.”

On what her longevity is attributed to, “Red meat and gin.”

“Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know?”

“I think every woman should have a blowtorch.”

“Dining with one’s friends and beloved family is certainly one of life’s primal and most innocent delights, one that is both soul-satisfying and eternal.”

“I don’t think about whether people will remember me or not. I’ve been an okay person. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve taught people a thing or two. That’s what’s important.  Sooner or later the public will forget you, the memory of you will fade. What’s important are the individuals you’ve influenced along the way.”

The great news for Julia Child fans is that there is a new film premiering August 7th, entitled “Julie and Julia“. The movie  is writer-director Nora Ephron’s adaptation of two best selling memoirs; Powell’s “Julie & Julia” and “Life in France” by Julia Child with Alex Prud’homme, and stars Meryl Streep as Julia Child and Amy Adams as Julie Powell.  Michael Ruhlman attended an early screening and loved the film, I cannot wait to see it!  For those on Twitter be sure to follow @JulieandJulia for fun vintage photos and more classic quotes!